Puppychao: Life...

Thursday, October 02, 2008


I know, I know, what kind of title is that. Well it's the most appropriate word for what I've been thinking about lately. Since the tubing accident I had a month ago, I've had a lot of time to think about life.

In my life I've seen my friends get married and have kids. I've seen my parents get older and visit the hospital for aches and pains. I see our world going through amazing technological changes and new environmental issues. "Where am I in the scheme of things?", is what I wonder often. Have I contributed?

Being single I am an observer into many relationships. Sometimes I think, boy am I lucky I'm not in one. Other times I wish I had someone to share memories with. Will I ever get married? Is there the right woman out there for me?

I realize many of the things that I contemplate will be answered at some point. And some things will never be answered. But the most important things I realized are, friends and family should be cherished, emotions such as happiness and sorrow need to be felt, treat others well and always enjoy life.


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